| Mateusz Tryjanowski |
I’ve been absolutely sure I had already touched a similar topic here on Everyday Classic blog - however, it seems I didn’t! There is nothing else for me to do but to catch up on that, so have a read now. A long one.
| Mateusz Tryjanowski |
I’ve been absolutely sure I had already touched a similar topic here on Everyday Classic blog - however, it seems I didn’t! There is nothing else for me to do but to catch up on that, so have a read now. A long one.
| Tomasz Godziek |
The integral part of our Everyday Classic blog will be The Questionnaire - a repeating series of questions answered by our special guests. We invite you to read the first episode, starring Tomek Godziek - the person who, together with his beloved wife Asia, established Poszetka.com and runs it to this day.
After our recent trip to Gdynia, we once again dropped by the studio to photograph our latest Summer '24 additions and the Baltic collection - take a look.
This is the continuation of the Poszetka x Mr. Vintage Baltic collection, this time designed with holidays in mind.