|Karol Majchrzak, Poszetka.com|
It's time for another guest in our questionnaire. You can associate him with the last entry "Power suit before Wall Street" he wrote. Meet Karol Majchrzak
|Karol Majchrzak|
There are certain stylistic solutions that affect our imagination in unique ways. Whether we want it or not, our brain affiliates certain things with contexts, movie stills, connotations. I mention it because I think that the so called power suit has a very special place in our minds.
| Mateusz Tryjanowski |
I’ve been absolutely sure I had already touched a similar topic here on Everyday Classic blog - however, it seems I didn’t! There is nothing else for me to do but to catch up on that, so have a read now. A long one.
| Tomasz Godziek |
The integral part of our Everyday Classic blog will be The Questionnaire - a repeating series of questions answered by our special guests. We invite you to read the first episode, starring Tomek Godziek - the person who, together with his beloved wife Asia, established Poszetka.com and runs it to this day.