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A Visit to Bottoli Mill

|Mateusz Tryjanowski|

The central point of our trip to the Dolomites – a visit to Lanificio Bottoli, the “last of its kind” weaving mill in northeastern Italy.


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Post Scriptum: Outfit Narrative’s Capsule Collection

|Suzan/ Outfit Narrative|

Last month, Suzan (@outfitnarrative) visited us in Katowice. During his trip, the idea emerged to arrange his favorite Poszetka FW2024 & Working Class pieces into a ‘capsule wardrobe’ concept that would reflect his taste and serve as a foundation for a thoughtfully curated winter wardrobe. You can bet we were on board!


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Everyday Classic, In Print

|Tomasz Godziek|

The idea for a printed magazine had been on my mind for years – it was bound to happen. And here it is: the first physical issue of Everyday Classic!

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Summer’s Almost Gone

|Mateusz Tryjanowski|

Boys from our Katowice team celebrated the slow end of summer in the city, sharing an evening (and night) out among friends, documented by a few shots on 35mm analog film.

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The Yee-Haw Shirt: Western Shirt

|Mateusz Tryjanowski|

Ten years ago, the idea that a smart dresser would non-ironically have a western denim shirt in their wardrobe could have been laughable—but today? No, it's a treasured classic, and few would think to disparage it.


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Back on the Baltic Coast


This is the continuation of the Poszetka x Mr. Vintage Baltic collection, this time designed with holidays in mind.


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